Councilor Fernandes Anderson called Docket #1132, message disapproving the Annual Appropriation and Tax Order for FY2024, (Docket #0760), passed by the City Council on June 14, 2023. I am filing an amended Annual Appropriation and Tax Order.
Hearing no objection, the matter was before the body.
On motion of Councilor Fernandes Anderson as Chair of the Committee on Ways and Means will be recommending overrides to the Mayor's Annual Appropriation and Tax Order return and modification as follows:
Councilor Fernandes Anderson moved to pass the following Partial Override #1:
• Increase Office of Human Services Contractual Services, $20,000 for the Office of Returning Citizens Vital Documents Waiver Pilot Program (adding $20,000 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Office of Historic Preservation Contractual Services, $25,000 for Black Heritage Trail Signage (adding $25,000 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Mayor's Office of Immigrant Advancement Contractual Services,
$250,000 for ESOL adult classes for new arrivals and beginners (adding $250,000 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Mayor's Office of Immigrant Advancement Personnel Services, $125,000 for the Director of Latinx and Caribbean Programming and Policy (adding
$125,000 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Office of Food Justice Personnel Services, $90,000 to create an additional Project Manager role to increase capacity (adding $90,000 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Office of Neighborhood Services Contractual Services, $21,000 for Cultural Events Fund (adding $21,000 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Arts & Culture Contractual Services, $135,000 for cultural spaces (adding $135,000 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Women's Advancement Personnel Services, $260,000 for maternal health programming, ½ FTE (adding $260,000 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Youth Employment & Opportunity Personnel Services, $300,000 for workforce development for recent arrivals (adding $300,000 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Women's Advancement Contractual Services, $150,000 for maternal health grants (adding $150,000 to the line on the tax order).
To balance these increase overrides, I recommend the following decrease overrides:
1. Central Fleet Management Equipment: $140,000
2. Central Fleet Management Contractual: $2,000
3. Department of Innovation and Technology Equipment: $200,386
4. Human Resources Current Charges & Obligations: $200,000
5. Intergovernmental Relations Supplies & Materials: $2,000
6. Property Management Equipment: $219,276
7. Snow & Winter Management Equipment: $670,000
Councilor Fernandes Anderson requested a roll call of Partial Override #1
Partial Override #1; yeas 6 nays 6 (Baker, Breadon, Coletta, Flaherty, Flynn, Murphy). Override Fails.
Councilor Fernandes Anderson moved to pass the following Partial Override #2:
• Increase Boston Fire Department Personnel Services, $1,500,000 for Car 5 (adding $1,500,000 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Parks and Recreation Department Supplies and Materials, $50,000 to expand the tree canopy (adding $50,000 to the line on the tax order).
To balance these increase overrides, I recommend the following decrease overrides:
1. Auditing Department Contractual: $2,000
2. City Clerk Contractual: $3,000
3. Execution of Courts Special Appropriations: $1,000,000
4. Labor Relations Contractual: $1,000
5. Parking Clerk (BTD) Equipment: $2,000
6. Property Management Contractual: $59,385
7. Public Facilities Department Equipment: $2,000
8. Snow & Winter Management Contractual: $363,951
9. Office of Streets Supplies & Materials: $2,000
10. Treasury Department Equipment: $2,000
11. Treasury Department Supplies & Materials: $113,079
Councilor Fernandes Anderson requested a roll call of Partial Override #2
Partial Override #2; yeas 3 nays 8 (Baker, Breadon, Coletta, Flaherty, Flynn, Louijeune, Murphy, Worrell). Override Fails.
Councilor Fernandes Anderson moved to pass the following Partial Override #3:
• Increase City Council Personnel Services, $829,385 for Councilors' Staff Salary Increases (adding $829,385 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase City Council Personnel Services, $38,000 for City Council Central Staff Director salary raise (adding $38,000 to the line on the tax order).
To balance these increase overrides, I recommend the following decrease overrides:
1. Human Resources Contractual: $832,995
2. Treasury Department Supplies & Materials: $41,250
Councilor Fernandes Anderson requested a roll call of Partial Override #3
Partial Override #3; yeas 5 nays 7 (Baker, Breadon, Coletta, Flaherty, Flynn, Murphy, Worrell). Override Fails.
Councilor Fernandes Anderson moved to pass the following Partial Override #4:
• Increase Property Management Personnel Services, $584,896 for a salary increase for Municipal Officers (adding $584,896 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Age Strong Department Contractual Services, $50,000 for Senior Programming at the Veronica Senior Center (adding $50,000 to the line on the tax order).
To balance these increase overrides, I recommend the following decrease overrides:
1. Boston Police Department Equipment: $350,000
2. Boston Police Department Supplies & Materials: $300,000
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Councilor Baker moved for the following amendment to Partial Override #4.
Motion prevailed; yeas 11, nays 0, present 1(Coletta).
Amendment of Councilor Baker
Docket #1132 Partial Override #4, as moved, shall be amended as follows:
Increase Property Management Personnel Services, $584,896 for a salary increase for Municipal Officers (adding $584,896 to the line on the tax order).
To balance these increase overrides, I recommend the following decrease overrides:
1. Property Management Contractual: $600,979
Partial Override 4 passed as amended; yeas; 10, nays 1 (Flaherty), Present 1(Coletta).
Councilor Fernandes Anderson moved to pass the following Partial Override #5:
• Increase Office of Participatory Budgeting Special Appropriations, $1,000,000 for Participatory Budgeting (adding $1,000,000 to the line on the tax order).
• Increase Office of Participatory Budgeting Special Appropriations, $450,000 for Participatory Budgeting (adding $450,000 to the line on the tax order).
To balance these increase overrides, I recommend the following decrease overrides:
1. Boston Police Department Equipment: $1,450,000
Councilor Fernandes Anderson requested a roll call of Partial Override #5
Partial Override #5; yeas 5 nays 7 (Baker, Breadon, Coletta, Flaherty, Flynn, Murphy, Worrell). Override Fails.
Four of the Partial Overrides having failed with the exception of #4, Docket #1132 has been overridden in part and this constitutes the approval of the FY24 City Budget.