| 1 | | Committee Reports | On the message and order, referred on November 20, 2024, Docket #0106, for the confirmation of the appointment of Samantha Riemer as a member of the Audit Committee, for a term expiring November 9, 2029, the committee submitted a report recommending the appointment ought to be confirmed. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Committee Reports | On the message and order, referred on November 20, 2024, Docket #0107, for the confirmation of the appointment of Janet Peguero, as a member of the Audit Committee, for a term expiring October 27, 2029, the committee submitted a report recommending that the appointment ought to be confirmed. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Committee Reports | On the message and order, referred on February 12, 2025, Docket #0462, for the confirmation of the reappointment of Lawrence DiCara as a member of the Audit Committee, for a term expiring November 9, 2026, the committee submitted a report recommending that the appointment ought to be confirmed. | | |
Action details
Not available