Boston Seal    City of Boston

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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/8/2022 12:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2022-0707 1 Mayor Home Rule PetitionMessage and order for your approval a Home Rule Petition to the General Court entitled “Petition for a Special Law Re: An Act Relative to Certain Affordable Housing in the South Boston Section of the City of Boston.”The rules were suspended; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0708 1 Mayor OrderOn the message and order, referred on June 8, 2022, Docket #0708, authorizing the City of Boston, acting through the Mayor’s Office of Housing, to apply for, accept and expend the amount of Twenty One Million Five Hundred Ninety Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Seven Dollars ($21,597,797.00) provided under the HOME Investment Partnerships Program-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Act of 2021 from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The purpose of the HOME-ARP funds is to provide housing to individuals, to households who are homeless, at risk of homelessness and other vulnerable populations in the City of Boston, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass. The report was accepted; the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2022-0709 1 Mayor OrderMessage and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Thirty Four Thousand Three Hundred Nine Dollars ($34,309.00) in the form of a grant, for the Federal FY21 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement formula allocation, awarded by the United States Department of Justice, passed through Massachusetts State Police/Crime Laboratory, to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund training and continuing education for forensic examiners, criminalists and laboratory personnel.The rules were suspended; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0710 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Fernandes Anderson called Docket #0710, message and order authorizing the Collector-Treasurer for the City of Boston to enter into a compensation balance agreement with Citizens Bank, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44, Section 53F, for the provision of Banking Services as more fully described in the attached form, from the Committee on Ways and Means. Hearing no objection, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Fernandes Anderson, the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2022-0711 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Fernandes Anderson called Docket #0711, message and order authorizing the Collector-Treasurer for the City of Boston to enter into a compensation balance agreement with J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44, Section 53F, for the provision of Banking Services as more fully described in the attached form, from the Committee on Ways and Means. Hearing no objection, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Fernandes Anderson, the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2022-0712 1 Report of Public OfficerNotice was received from the City Council President Ed Flynn of the appointment of Councilor Kenzie Bok as the City Council Representative and Trustee to the Neighborhood Housing Trust for the 2022 calendar year.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2022-0713 1 Report of Public OfficerNotice was received from the Mayor of the appointment of Christopher Radcliffe as Interim Purchasing Agent for the City of Boston effective May 28, 2022.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2022-0714 1 Report of Public OfficerNotice was received from the Mayor of the appointment of Ellen A. Hatch, as a Trustee of the Franklin Park Maintenance Trust Fund.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2022-0715 1 Report of Public OfficerNotice was received from the Mayor of the appointment of Ellen A. Hatch, as Chairperson of the Franklin Park Maintenance Trust Fund.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2022-0716 1 Report of Public OfficerNotice was received from the Mayor of the appointment of Julia Mejia, as a Trustee of the Neighborhood Jobs Trust Board of Trustees.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2022-0717 1 Report of Public OfficerNotice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Trinh T. Nguyen, as a Trustee of the Neighborhood Jobs Trust Board of Trustees.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2022-0718 1 Report of Public OfficerCommunication was received from Council President Ed Flynn regarding the 2022 - 2023 updated committee assignments.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2022-0719 1 Report of Public OfficerCommunication was received from Timothy J. Smyth, Executive Officer of the Boston Retirement Board re: the FY23 Retiree Cost of Living Adjustment ("COLA") vote.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2022-0720 1 Report of Public OfficerCouncilor Baker called Docket #0720, Communication was received from the City Clerk transmitting a communication from the Boston Landmarks Commission for City Council action on the designation of the Petition #38, Highland Park Architectural Conservation District, Roxbury, Ma. (In effect after July 8, 2022 if not acted upon), from the Committee on Planning Development and Transportation. Hearing no objection, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Baker, the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2022-0721 1 Report of Public OfficerThe Constable Bonds of James Darby, Sheila Darby, William McKeen, Michael Janus, James Burke, Frank Kravitsky, Russell Castagna, George Reese, Licia McLean, Robert Messina, Michael Lopes, William Doniger, Mark Kravitsky, Gabriel Azubuike, Juaquin Marchando, Geovanne Colon, Derrick Hughes, Tyrone Grant, Nicola Tritta and Keith Hershenson has been duly approved by the Collector-Treasurer were received and approved under the usual terms and conditions.Approved under the usual terms and conditions  Action details Video Video
2022-0487 2 Loan OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0487, authorizing a limit for the Boston Public Schools revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2023 to support the maintenance and repair for BPS facilities, including custodial and utility costs for extended building time, floor refinishing, landscaping and building repairs. Receipts from Lease, Permit for Use and Parking Fees for BPS facilities will be deposited in the fund. BPS will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall not exceed Two Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,200,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0488 2 Loan OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0488, authorizing a limit for the Boston Public Schools revolving fund for the Fiscal Year 2023 for Boston Public School Transportation cost, including bus and public transportation costs. This revolving fund shall be credited with revenue received by Boston Public School Department for the provision of transportation to groups and entities for field trips and activities other than transportation to and from school. Receipts and resulting expenditures from this fund shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0489 2 Mayor OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0489, authorizing a limit for the Boston Public Schools revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2023 to repair and purchase Boston Public Schools computer technology, including computers, mobile devices, and instructional software. This revolving fund shall be credited with any and all receipts from equipment sales and repair fees for Boston Public School technology. Receipts and resulting expenditures from this fund shall not exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0490 2 Committee ReportsOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0490, authorizing a limit for the Boston Police Department revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2023 to support the Canine Unit's training program for officers and police dogs from non-City of Boston law enforcement agencies. The Special Operating Division will charge tuition and other fees to outside law enforcement agencies for the Canine Unit. The tuition and other fees by outside agencies will be used to purchase training equipment, certify instructors, update facilities and provide funds for other training needs not otherwise budgeted. The Special Operations Division will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($125,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0491 2 Mayor OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0491, authorizing a limit for the Boston Police Department revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2023 to pay salaries and benefits of employees and to purchase supplies and equipment necessary to operate the Police Department Fitness Center. Revenue for this fund is derived from monthly membership fees. Receipts and resulting expenditures from this fund shall not exceed One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($125,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0492 2 Mayor OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0492, Message and order authorizing a limit for the Boston Centers for Youth and Families (BCYF) revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2023 to pay salaries and benefits of employees and to purchase supplies and equipment necessary to operate the City Hall Child Care. This revolving fund shall be credited with any and all receipts from tuition paid by parents or guardians for children enrolled at the center. Receipts and resulting expenditures from this fund shall not exceed Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($900,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0493 2 Mayor OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0493, authorizing a limit for the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2023 to purchase goods and services to support the operation of the Strand Theatre. This revolving fund shall be funded by receipts from rental fees for the use of the Strand Theatre. The Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at Three Hundred Thousand Dollars (300,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0494 2 Mayor OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0494, authorizing a limit for the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2023 to purchase goods and services to support public art to enhance the public realm throughout the City of Boston. This revolving fund shall be funded by receipts from easements within the public way granted by the Public Improvement Commission. The Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0495 2 Mayor OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0495, authorizing a limit for the Mayor's Office of Tourism revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2023 to purchase goods and services to support events and programming on and around City Hall Plaza to advance tourism and promote participation in public celebrations, civic and cultural events. This revolving fund shall be funded by receipts from payments for the use of City Hall Plaza pursuant to City of Boston Code, Ordinance, 11-7.14. The Mayor's Office of Tourism will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at One Hundred Fifty Thousand ($150,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to passThe report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0496 2 Mayor OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0496, authorizing a limit for the Law Department revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2023 to purchase goods and services for repairs to city property. This revolving fund shall be funded by receipts from recoveries for damages to city property caused by third parties. The Law Department will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0497 2 Mayor OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0497, authorizing a limit for the Distributed Energy Resource Revolving Fund for Fiscal Year 2023 to facilitate the purchase of offsets of greenhouse gas emissions which shall be associated with a portion of the electricity consumed by the City annually; and to operate, maintain, monitor and expand the City's existing solar arrays and Boston Public Schools' combined heat and power facilities. This revolving fund shall be credited with any and all receipts from the sale of renewable and alternative energy certificates and demand response program revenues produced by combined heat and power units located at Boston Public Schools sites and solar renewable energy certificates produced by the City's photovoltaic arrays. Receipts and resulting expenditures from this fund shall not exceed One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0498 2 Mayor OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0498, authorizing a limit for the Environment Conservation Commission revolving fund for the Fiscal Year 2023 for the purpose of securing outside consultants including engineers, wetlands scientist, wildlife biologists or other experts in order to aid in the review of proposed projects to the Commission, per the city’s ordinance protecting local wetland and promoting climate change adaptation. The revolving fund shall be funded by receipts from fees imposed by the Commission for the purpose of securing outside consultants. The Environment Department will be the only department authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0499 2 Loan OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0499, approving an appropriation of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) from the City’s Boston Equity Fund to create a special revenue project grant in order to support equity applicants and licensees, as defined by the Equity Program and to established and operate a cannabis business in the City of Boston. The fund shall be credited to the special Revenue Grant Fund from the Boston Equity Fund established pursuant City of Boston Ordinances Chapter 8 Section 13: Establishing the Equitable Regulation of the Cannabis Industry in the City of Boston, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0500 2 Loan OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0500, approving an appropriation of Four Million Five Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($4,560,000.00) from the 21st Century Fund, also known as the Public Educational, or Governmental (PEG) Access and Cable Related Fund, pursuant to Section 53F 3/4 of Chapter 44 of the General Laws, to the PEG Access and Cable Related Grant for cable related purposes consistent with the franchise agreement between the cable operator and the city including but not limited to: (i) supporting public, educational or governmental access cable television services; (ii) monitoring compliance of cable operator with the franchise agreement; or (iii) preparation of renewal of the franchise license, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0501 2 Committee ReportsOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0501, authorizing the appropriation of One Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,400,000.00) from the income of the George Francis Parkman Fund. The funds are to be expended under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation for the maintenance and improvement of Boston Common and Parks in existence since January 12, 1887, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0722 1 Council Hearing OrderOrder for a hearing regarding a comprehensive, district-wide planning process for Boston's Waterfront.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2022-0481 1 Loan OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0481, for Annual Appropriation for the School Department for FY2023, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0482 1 Loan OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0482, approving an appropriation of Forty Million Dollars ($40,000,000.00) to the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Liability Trust Fund established under Section 20 of Massachusetts General Law Chapter 32B, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0483 1 Loan OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0483, approving an appropriation of One Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,600.000.00) from the City’s Capital Grant fund to address the impact of transportation network services on municipal roads, bridges and other transportation infrastructure or any other public purpose substantially related to the operation of transportation network services in the city. Such funds will be transferred and credited to the Capital Grant Fund from revenue received from the Commonwealth Transportation Infrastructure Enhancement Trust Fund, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0484 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Fernandes Anderson called Docket #0484, message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0484, authorizing the City of Boston to enter into one or more leases, lease-purchase or installment sales agreements in Fiscal Year 2023 in an amount not to exceed Thirty Six Million Dollars ($36,000,000.00). These funds are to be used by various City departments for the acquisition of equipment in furtherance of their respective governmental functions. The list of equipment includes: computer equipment (hardware and software), motor vehicles and trailers, ambulances, firefighting equipment, office equipment, telecommunications equipment, photocopying equipment, medical equipment, school and educational equipment, school buses, parking meters, street lighting installation, traffic signal equipment and equipment functionally related to, and components of the foregoing, from the Committee on Ways and Means. Hearing no objection, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Fernandes Anderson, the order was read a second time and again passed; yeas 13.The report was accepted; the order was read once and passed.   Action details Video Video
2022-0485 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Fernandes Anderson called Docket #00485, message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0488, approving an appropriation of Five Hundred Fifty Million Three Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars ($550,370,000.00) for the acquisition of interests in land or the acquisition of assets, or the landscaping, alteration, remediation, rehabilitation improvement of public land, the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improvement, alteration, remodeling, enlargement, demolition, removal or extraordinary repairs of public buildings, facilities, assets, works or infrastructure; for the cost of feasibility studies or engineering or architectural services for plans and specifications; for the development, design, purchase and installation of computer hardware or software and computer-assisted integrated financial management and accounting systems; and any and all cost incidental or related to the above described projects; for the purposes of various city departments included Boston Center for Youth and Families, Department of Innovation and Technology, Environment, Fire, NeigThe report was accepted; the order was read once and passed.   Action details Video Video
2022-0486 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Fernandes Anderson called Docket #0486, message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0486, approving an appropriation One Hundred Thirty Eight Million Five Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($138,535,000.00) for the acquisition of interests in land or the acquisition of assets, or the landscaping, alteration, remediation, rehabilitation, or improvement of public land, the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improvement, alteration, remodeling, enlargement, demolition, removal or extraordinary repairs of public buildings, facilities, assets, works or infrastructure; for the cost of feasibility studies or engineering or architectural services for plans and specifications; for the development, design, purchase and installation of computer hardware or software and computer-assisted integrated financial management and accounting systems; and any and all cost incidental or related to the above described projects; for the purposes of the Boston Public Schools, from the Committee on Ways and Means. Hearing no objection, the matter was before the body. On motThe report was accepted; the order was read once and passed.   Action details Video Video
2022-0480 1 Loan OrderOn the message and order, referred on April 13, 2022 Docket #0480, for Annual Appropriation and Tax Order for FY2023, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass in an amended draft.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2022-0726 1 Council Legislative ResolutionResolution designating June 2022 as “LGBTQIA+ Pride Month”. Councilors Breadon and Louijuene rule 12 was invoked to include Councilor Bok as co-sponsors. motion of Councilors Breadon, Louijuene and Bok, the rules were suspended; the resolution was adoptedThe rules were suspended; the resolution was adopted.  Action details Video Video
2022-0723 1 Council Hearing OrderOrder for a hearing on fire and emergency disaster relief services in the City of Boston. Councilors Louijuene and Flaherty rule 12 was invoked to include Councilor Breadon as co-sponsors.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2022-0724 1 Matters Recently Heard-For Possible ActionOrder for a hearing on an Audit for Boston Public Schools Special Education services and return on investment.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2022-0725 1 Council Hearing OrderOrder for a hearing Regarding the Boston Public Schools Transportation System. Councilor Mejia rule 12 was invoked to include Councilors Lara and Murphy as co-sponsors.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2022-0727 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Fernandes Anderson offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee David Silberg in City Council, effective June 4, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0728 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Coletta offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Elizabeth Sanchez in City Council, effective June 4, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0729 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Fernandes Anderson offered the following: Order for appointment of temporary employee Mariam Ibrahmi in City Council, effective June 6, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0730 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Baker offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Amanda Curly, Malaki Hernandez, Patricia McCormack, Joseph McEachern, Amanda O'Connor and Julie Ryan in City Council, effective June 4, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0731 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Baker offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Amanda Curley, Malaki Hernandez, Patricia McCormack, Joseph McEachern, Amanda O'Connor and Julie Ryan, effective June 11, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0732 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Hodan Hashi, Emily Polston and Jesse Purvis in City Council, effective June 11, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0733 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Hodan Hashi, Emily Polston and Jesse Purvis in City Council, effective June 18, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0734 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Ana Calderon, Charles Levin, Melissa Lo, Sophia Wang and Vanessa Woo in City Council, effective June 11, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0735 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Ana Calderon, Charles Levin, Melissa Lo, Sophia Wang and Vanessa Lo in City Council, Effective June 18, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0736 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Ron Cobb, Michelle L. Goldberg, Kerry Jordan, Juan Lopez, Cora Montrond, Candace Morales, Christine O'Donnell, Shane Pac, Lorraine Schettino, Yuleidy Valdez and Ashley Vassall in City Council, effective June 4, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0737 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Ron Cobb, Michelle L. Goldberg, Kerry Jordan, Juan Lopez, Cora Montrond, Candace Morales, Christine O'Donnell, Shane Pac, Lorraine Schettino and Ashley Vassall, effective June 11, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0738 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Flaherty offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Samantha Bennett, Clare Brooks, Tricia Kalayjian, Mary Karski and Paul Sullivan in City Council, effective June 11, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0739 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Flaherty offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Samantha Bennett, Clare Brooks, Tricia Kalayjian, Mary Karski and Paul Sullivan in City Council, effective June 18, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0740 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Flaherty offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Steven C Murnane, Elizabeth Anderson and Ben Gately in City Council, effective June 11, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0760 1 Report of Public OfficerCouncilor Flynn offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Michelle Goldberg in City Council.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2022-0761 1 Report of Public OfficerCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Coletta offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Elvira Mora, Sebastian Parra and Eva Scappichio in City Council.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
GS-6/8/22 1 Green SheetLegislative calendar for June 8, 2022.   Action details Not available
2022-0505 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Arroyo called Docket #0505 Message and order for your approval a Home Rule petition to the General Court entitled “Petition for a Special Law Re: An Act Relative to Creation of a Branch of the Boston Public Library (BPL) within an Affordable Housing Development at Parcel R-1 in the South Cove Urban Renewal Area in the Chinatown Section of the City of Boston, from the Committee of the Government Operation. No objection being heard, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Arroyo, the petition was passed.   Action details Video Video
2022-0741 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution congratulating Ryleigh Mahoney.   Action details Video Video
2022-0742 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Edward Joseph Freely.   Action details Not available
2022-0743 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing 8 woman for their work in construction.   Action details Not available
2022-0744 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing The American Chinese United Association MA Chapter.   Action details Not available
2022-0745 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in memory of William Fitzgerald.   Action details Not available
2022-0746 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in congratulating Ryan Collins.   Action details Not available
2022-0747 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution congratulating Savanah Washington.   Action details Not available
2022-0748 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution congratulating Deputy Kenneth Gaines.   Action details Not available
2022-0749 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution congratulating Luigi "Lou" Pasquale.   Action details Not available
2022-0750 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Sister Christine Smith.   Action details Not available
2022-0751 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing 8 elementary students on their scholarship awards.   Action details Not available
2022-0752 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Joseph Porteleki.   Action details Not available
2022-0753 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Nick and Vicky Elias.   Action details Not available
2022-0754 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing the JROTC programs in the City of Boston.   Action details Not available
2022-0755 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing the recipients of the Commander Gillen Award.   Action details Not available
2022-0756 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Corinne Ellis Gilbert.   Action details Not available
2022-0757 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Dignity Boston.   Action details Not available
2022-0758 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in memory of Andrew St. Onge.   Action details Not available
2020-0759 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing KRS ONE.   Action details Not available