| 2 | | Matters Recently Heard-For Possible Action | On the message and order, referred on December 4, 2024, for your approval an Order authorizing the City of Boston to appropriate the amount of One Hundred Ten Million Dollars ($110,000,000.00) for purposes of funding the Housing Accelerator Program. The expenditures related to the program are one-time in nature and are assumed to be non-recurring costs of the City, therefore, are appropriate to be funded with non-recurring revenue.
Filed in the Office of the City Clerk on December 2, 2024.
Councilor Mejia moved to postpone the vote until the January 29, 2025 meeting. Seconded by Councilor Flynn.
Motion failed; yeas 2 (Flynn, Murphy), nays 7, present 1 (Mejia).
The report was accepted; the order was passed; yeas 10. | | |
Action details
Not available