Boston Seal    City of Boston

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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/15/2023 12:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2023-0574 1 Committee ReportsOn the message and order, referred on March 15, 2023, Docket #0574, for an appropriation order in the amount of Forty Million Six Hundred Seventy-Six Thousand Four Hundred Fifty-Five Dollars ($40,676,455.00) from Fiscal Year 2023 Community Preservation Fund revenues for community preservation projects at the recommendation of the City of Boston Community Preservation Committee (“CPC”), submits a report recommending that the order ought to pass, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass. The report was accepted; the order was passed; yeas 13.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-0575 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Breadon called Docket #0575, message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Three Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($340,000.00) in the form of a grant, for the Strengthening Child Care Programs, awarded by the Boston Planning & Development Agency to be administered by the Office of Early Childhood. The grant will fund sub-grants to strengthen child care programs based on the needs of providers, from the Committee of Strong Women, Families and Communities. No objection being heard, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Breadon, the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-0576 1 Committee ReportsOn the message and order, referred on March 15, 2023, Docket #0576, for your approval an Order authorizing the City of Boston to submit Statements of Interest to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) Core Program for the P.A. Shaw Elementary School and the Charles H. Taylor Elementary School pursuant to M.G.L Chapter. 70B, Section 5. The Statement of Interest describes and explains the deficiencies within each of the school facilities that prevent them from delivering their desired educational program, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass. The report was accepted; the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-0577 1 Mayor OrderMessage transmitting certain information under section 17F relative to the BPS Transportation follow up, (Docket #0464), passed by the Council on March 1, 2023.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2023-0578 1 Mayor OrderMessage transmitting certain information under Section 17F Relative to the BPS Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct, (Docket #0507), passed by the Council on March 1, 2023.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2023-0579 1 Mayor OrderMessage transmitting certain information under Section 17F: Relative to the Boston Public Health Commission (Docket #0418), passed by the City Council on February 15, 2023.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2023-0580 1 Report of Public OfficerNotice was received from the City Clerk in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Ordinances of 1979 re: action taken by the Mayor on papers acted upon by the City Council at its meeting of March 1, 2023.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2023-0581 1 Report of Public OfficerNotice was received from the City Clerk in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Ordinances of 1979 re: action taken by the Mayor on papers acted upon by the City Council at its meeting of March 8, 2023.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2023-0582 1 Report of Public OfficerCommunication was received from the City Clerk of the filing by the Boston Residency Compliance Commission regarding the Updated Annual Report (January thru December 2021).Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2023-0583 1 Report of Public OfficerCommunication was received from the City Clerk transmitting a communication from the Boston Landmarks Commission for City Council action on the designation of The First Church in Roxbury, 160 Roxbury Street, Boston, MA, as a Landmark (In effect after April 5, 2023 if not acted upon).Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-0319 2 Committee ReportsOn the notice, referred on January 25, 2023, Docket #0319, received from the Mayor of the appointment of Vivian Leonard as a member of the Municipal Lobbying Compliance Commission, the committee submitted a report recommending that the notice ought to be placed on file. The report was accepted; the notice was placed on file.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2023-0320 2 Committee ReportsOn the notice, referred on January 25, 2023, Docket #0320, received from the Mayor of the re-appointment of Sammy Nabulsi as a member of the Municipal Lobbying Compliance Commission, the committee submitted a report recommending that the notice ought to be placed on file. The report was accepted; the notice was placed on file.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2023-0321 2 Committee ReportsOn the notice, referred on January 25, 2023, Docket #0321, received from the Mayor of the re-appointment of Vivien Li as a member of the Municipal Lobbying Compliance Commission, the committee submitted a report recommending that the notice ought to be placed on file. The report was accepted; the notice was placed on file.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2023-0137 2 Committee ReportsThe Committee on Government Operations, to which was referred on January 11, 2023, Docket #0137, Ordinance Establishing Protections for the City of Boston Tree Canopy, submits a report recommending that the Ordinance ought to pass in a new draft. The report was accepted; the ordinance was passed in a new draft.Remains in   Action details Video Video
2023-0369 2 Matters Recently Heard-For Possible ActionOn the message and order, referred on February 8, 2023 Docket #0369, for your approval an acceptance of Chapter 269 of the Acts of 2022, An Act Relative to Cost-of-Living Adjustments for Retirees, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass. The report was accepted; the order was passed; yeas 13.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2023-0249 2 Matters Recently Heard-For Possible ActionOrder for a hearing to discuss the Impact of Inequitable Housing Code Enforcement of Boston's Proactive Rental Inspection Program.Remains in   Action details Video Video
2023-0147 2 Matters Recently Heard-For Possible ActionOrder for a hearing to establish a climate change and environmental justice curriculum in Boston Public Schools.Remains in   Action details Video Video
2023-0584 1 Council Home Rule PetitionPetition for a Special Law re: An act directing the City of Boston Police Department to waive the maximum age requirement for police officers for Ariel Rodriguez. On motion of Councilor Arroyo, the rules were suspended; the petition was passed.The rules were suspended; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2023-0585 1 Council Hearing OrderOrder for a hearing to create more transparency into reporting and accessibility into addressing the drug overdose crises in the City of Boston.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-0586 1 Council Legislative ResolutionResolution to inform veterans about the resources available to them through the PACT Act. Councilor Breadon in the Chair. On motion of Councilor Flynn, the rules were suspended; the resolution was adopted.The rules were suspended; the resolution was adopted.  Action details Video Video
2023-0587 1 Council Legislative ResolutionResolution opposing the Eversource substation on the Chelsea Creek Waterfront in East Boston. President Flynn in the Chair. On motion of Councilor Mejia, Rule 12 was invoked to include Councilors Coletta and Louijeune as a co-sponsors. On motion of Councilors Mejia, Coletta and Louijeune, the rules were suspended; the resolution was adopted; yeas 11, nays 2 (Baker, Murphy).The rules were suspended; the resolution was adopted.  Action details Video Video
2023-0588 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Coletta offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Joseph Gravellese in City Council, effective March 18, 2022.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2023-0589 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Cindy Dieujuste, Hodan Hashi, Jesse Purvis and Emily Polston in City Council, effective March 11, 2023.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2023-0600 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Fernandes Anderson offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Arshneel Kaur and Steven Murane in City Council, effective March 18, 2023.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2023-0601 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Bok offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Kennedy Avery, Anthony Baez and Jacob Werner in City Council, effective March 11, 2023.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2023-0602 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Mejia offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Dulce M. Bernal-Sandoval and Mille Rivera in City Council, effective March 18, 2023.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2023-0603 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Baker offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Amanda Curley, Malaki Hernandez, Patricia McCormack, Joseph M. McEachern, Amanda O'Connor and Julie Ryan in City Council, effective March 11, 2023.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2023-0604 1 Personnel OrdersCouncilor Flynn for Councilor Murphy offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Caitlin Stapleton in City Council, effective March 25, 2023.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Video Video
2023-0119 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Murphy called Docket #0199, message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Hundred Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($235,000.00) in the form of a grant for the Food, Fuel and Shelter grant, awarded by the Boston Foundation to be administered by the Office of Human Services. The grant will fund the City’s effort to expand its mobile outreach to connect people more equitably and effectively to housing, treatment and other services, from the Committee on Public Health, Homelessness and Recovery. No objection being heard, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Murphy, the order was passed.Passed under suspension of the rules.  Action details Not available
2023-0590 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution congratulating the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston on their 150th anniversary.   Action details Video Video
2023-0591 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution congratulating Patrick Ellis on his promotion to City of Boston Deputy Chief and Fire Marshall.   Action details Not available
2023-0592 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in recognition of Denny Chen.   Action details Not available
2023-0593 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution Recognizing Brian Hayes.   Action details Not available
2023-0594 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Joe Tay.   Action details Not available
2023-0595 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Ed Carlson.   Action details Not available
2023-0596 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Yung Chui Yu.   Action details Not available
2023-0597 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Kotaro Suzuki and the Japanese Consulate.   Action details Not available
2023-0598 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Louis Barnes.   Action details Not available
2023-0599 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in memory of Anne Louise Connolly.   Action details Not available
2023-0605 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in memory of Robert Francis Hannan Sr.   Action details Not available