Boston Seal    City of Boston

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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/14/2023 12:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2023-1097 1 Matters Recently Heard-For Possible ActionOn the message and order, referred on June 14, 2023, Docket #1097, to reduce the FY23 appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by One Million Two Hundred Seventy-Three Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-One Dollars ($1,273,531.00) to provide funding for the Boston Public Health Commission for FY23 increases contained within the collective bargaining agreements between the Boston Public Health Commission and the Boston EMS Division of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass. The report was accepted; the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-1098 1 Matters Recently Heard-For Possible ActionOn the message and order, referred on June 14, 2023, Docket #1098, for the Public Health Commission for FY23 in the amount of One Million Two Hundred Seventy-Three Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-One Dollars ($1,273,531.00) to cover FY23 cost items contained within the collective bargaining agreement between the Boston Public Health Commission and the Boston EMS Division of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association. The terms of the contracts are July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023 and July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026. The major provisions of the contracts include base wage increases of 1.5% in July of 2021, 2% in July 2022, 2% in July 2023, 2% in July 2024, and 2% in July 2025.The agreements also contain other benefits including a mobil integrated health/community EMS adjustment and increased hazardous duty differentials, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass. The report was accepted; the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-1099 1 Mayor OrderMessage and order for your approval, an Order to reduce the FY23 appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Sixteen Dollars ($630,016.00) to provide funding for the collective bargaining agreements between the City of Boston and AFSCME-CIO Local 1526. Filed in the Office of the City Clerk on June 12, 2023.The rules were suspended; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2023-1100 1 Mayor OrderMessage and order for your approval a supplemental Order for the Boston Public Library for the FY23 in the amount of Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Sixteen Dollars ($630,016.00) to cover the FY23 cost contained within the collective bargaining agreement between the City of Boston and the AFSCME-CIO Local 1526. The terms of the contracts are July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023. The major provisions of the contact include base wage increases of 2%, 1.5% and 2%, to be given in October of each fiscal year.The rules were suspended; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2023-1101 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Worrell called Docket #1101, message and order for your approval, an order to reduce the FY23 appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by One Hundred Eighty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-Two Dollars ($186,862.00) to provide funding for the Boston Public Schools for the FY23 increases contained within the collective bargaining agreements between the Boston Public Schools and the SEIU Local 888-Planning and Engineering, from the Committee on City Services and Innovation Technology. No objection being heard, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Worrell, the rules were suspended; the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-1102 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Worrell called Docket #1102, message and order for your approval a supplemental Order for the Boston Public Schools for the FY23 in the amount of One Hundred Eighty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-Two Dollars ($186,862.00) to cover the FY23 cost items contained within the collective bargaining agreements between the Boston Public Schools and the SEIU Local 888-Planning and Engineering. The terms of the contracts are September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2023 and September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2026. The major provisions of the contracts include base wage increases of 2%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 2.5% and 2% to be given in October of each fiscal year of the contract term, from the Committee on City Services and Innovation Technology. No objection being heard, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Worrell, the rules were suspended; the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-1103 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Worrell called Docket #1103, message and order for your approval, an order to reduce the FY23 appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by Twenty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Three Dollars ($27,803.00) to provide funding for the Boston Public Schools for FY23 increases contained within the collective bargaining agreements between the Boston Public Schools and the AFL-CIO, Council 93, Local 2814 (Storekeepers), from the Committee on City Services and Innovation Technology. No objection being heard, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Worrell, the rules were suspended; the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-1104 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Worrell called Docket #1104, message and order for your approval a supplemental Order for the Boston Public Schools for the FY23 in the amount of Twenty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Three Dollars ($27,803.00) to cover the FY23 cost item contained within the collective bargaining agreements between the Boston Public Schools and the AFL-CIO, Council 93, Local 2814 (Storekeepers). The terms of the contracts are September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2023 and September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2026. The major provisions of the contracts include base wage increases of 2%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 2.5% and 2% to be given in September of each fiscal year of the contract term, from the Committee on City Services and Innovation Technology. No objection being heard, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Worrell, the rules were suspended; the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-1105 1 Mayor OrderCouncilor Lara called Docket #1105, message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Four Hundred Sixteen Thousand Three Hundred Sixteen Dollars ($416,316.00) in the form of a grant for the Smart and Connected Communities, awarded by the National Sciences Foundation, passed through Northeastern University, to be administered by the Mayor’s Office. The grant will fund the Common SENSES (Standards for Enacting Sensor Network for an Equitable Society) project, which is focused on climate resilience and capital development along the Blue Hill Avenue corridor. The project partners are Northeastern University’s Boston Area Research Initiative, Mayor’s Office of New Mechanics, Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative and Project RIGHT, from the Committee on Environmental Justice, Resiliency and Parks. No objection being heard, the matter was before the body. Committee members polled; yeas 5. On motion of Councilor Lara, the rules were suspended; the order was passed.Referred to  Action details Video Video
2023-1106 1 Mayor OrderMessage and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Nineteen Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-One Dollars and Eighty Cents ($19,691.80) in the form of a grant for the Eversource Agreement, awarded by the Donor Group to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund the purchase and installation of security cameras in the vicinity of the Andrew Square Substation.The rules were suspended; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2023-1107 1 Report of Public OfficerNotice was received from the Mayor of the appointment of Gayana Daniel as ex-officio member of the Task Force on Literacy Rates, effective immediately.Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2023-1108 1 Report of Public OfficerCommunication was received from the City Clerk of the filing by the Boston Planning and Development Agency regarding "Proposed Minor Modification to the Charlestown Urban Renewal Plan, Project No. Mass.R-55, with respect to Parcel R-26C.”Placed on file.  Action details Video Video
2023-1109 1 Report of Public OfficerThe Constable Bonds of Darius Agnew, Ruth Baez-Velez, Paul Bartlett, Devorn Buchanan, Jalila Cartwright, Gavin Castagna, Rolflyn Cazeau, Frico Damas, Mark Evlogiadis, Emmanuel Gauvin, Collin Herelle, Ronald Holmes, Vincent James, Carl Jean-Louis, William Joyce, Daniel Long, Berinda Malden, Burton Malkofsky, Manuel Mendes, Alexa McNeil, Paul Morelli, Jonas Morose, Matthew Morrison, Philmore Phillip, James Reardon, Robert Ryan, Pierre Salomon, Jean Sanon, Patricia Sheets, Joseph Singletary, Jr., Wallace Tilford, Christopher Waites, Joseph Smith and Erik Storer have been duly approved by the Collector-Treasurer were received and approved under the usual terms and conditions.Approved under the usual terms and conditions  Action details Video Video
2023-0760 2 Matters Recently Heard-For Possible ActionOn the message and order, referred on April 12, 2023 Docket #0760, for Annual Appropriation and Tax Order for FY2024, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass in an amended draft. The report was accepted; the order was passed in an amended draft yeas 7, nays 5 (Baker, Coletta, Flaherty, Flynn, Murphy).The report was accepted; the ordinance was passed in a new draft.  Action details Video Video
2023-0761 2 Matters Recently Heard-For Possible ActionOn the message and order, referred on April 12, 2023 Docket #0761, for an Annual Appropriation for the School Department for FY2024, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass. The report was accepted; the order was passed; yeas 12.The report was accepted; the order was passed.  Action details Video Video
2023-1110 1 Council MotionWITHDRAWNwithdrawn  Action details Video Video
2023-1012 1 Notice from the MayorCouncilor Fernandes Anderson called Docket #1012, message disapproving amended Docket #0627 "Ordinance to Make Boston City Council's Web-Page on the Boston City Website More Resourceful and Accessible", passed by the City Council on May 10, 2023, from the Committee of Rules and Administration. Hearing no objection, the matter was before the body. A roll call vote was taken to override the Mayor’s veto. The override failed to pass; yeas 6, nays 3, ( Flaherty, Flynn and Murphy)Absent 3(Baker, Breadon, Coletta).Placed on file.  Action details Not available
GS-6/14/23 1 Green SheetLegislative Calendar for June 14, 2023.   Action details Not available
2023-1111 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution congratulating Tom Myers.   Action details Not available
2023-1112 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in memory of Mary Hickey.   Action details Not available
2023-1113 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Ellen Chajes.   Action details Not available
2023-1114 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing seven people for their commitment to our students, families, and community in Boston Public Schools.   Action details Not available
2023-1115 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Clinton Galloway.   Action details Not available
2023-1116 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Gilbert "Xavier" Mathurin.   Action details Not available
2023-1117 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Marvin Martin.   Action details Not available
2023-1118 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Steve Gardener.   Action details Not available
2023-1119 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in recognition of Carl Herzog.   Action details Not available
2023-1120 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in recognition of the USS Constitution Museum.   Action details Not available
2023-1121 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in recognition of Charlot Lucien.   Action details Not available
2023-1122 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing the Dotcom Team.   Action details Not available
2023-1123 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing John Riordan.   Action details Not available
2023-1124 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Marleen Nienhuis.   Action details Not available
2023-1125 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Gallop Global.   Action details Not available
2023-1126 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing Kate Bennett.   Action details Not available
2023-1127 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing June 24th, 2023 as World Unity Day in the City of Boston.   Action details Not available
2023-1128 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution recognizing five students from the Mental Health Ambassador Program.   Action details Not available
2023-1129 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in memory of Judith Lamb Van Ness.   Action details Not available
2023-1130 1 Consent Agenda ResolutionResolution in memory of Mukiya Baker Gomez.   Action details Not available